A lot of people are bored right now. I've noticed a certain listlessness in my compatriots, and even myself. It happens, I guess, this close to an expansion. We've had nearly two years to play through this content and being married to K and her altism, I've seen everything at least 7 times.
With that said, people who still play are doing what they can to stay energized. The patch may help (Oct. 14th for those that don't know) and it'll certainly give me something to do as I learn my new specs. Yeah, I said specs. I don't intend to level as holy, hopefully giving Blizzard enough time to fix what I view as some real holes in the Holy spec. I think Holy is a weak, weak tree. Still, I'm a holy paladin at heart so no matter, I hit 80, it's Holy for me.
Anyway! People are moving around. Some leave smaller guilds for 25-man content, or to try to PvP their asses off. It's understandable, at least from my perspective, but it's probably very trying to guild leaders and small guilds to understand since they will see the flux of people most.
Just keep your heads down, keep doing what you do, and when Lich King hits you'll have guild stability again. This time, even, I don't think you'll see that kind of flux at 80. Not with the 10-man content running parallel to 25-man stuff. Small guilds should rejoice over that decision by Blizzard.
Still in my guild, disagreeing when I do! *gasp*
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